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Estimates/Book Online

Discover Delicious Options with Three Tomatoes Catering Online Menus!

What Sets Us Apart: High Quality of Food and Service, Transparency, and Convenience

Three Tomatoes Catering delivers exceptional food, service, and customer care with a seamless planning experience for special event catering and food delivery. Our innovative online booking system makes it easy to plan weddings, corporate events, private parties, and more, paired with the personal touch of in-person consultations. Discover the perfect combination of convenience, expertise, and top-notch catering for your next event.

How It Works:

  1. Explore Our All-Inclusive Menus: Browse our fully staffed food menus to find options perfectly tailored to your event. From appetizers to full-course meals, we’ve got everything you need to create an unforgettable experience. Menu Options: Conveniently located at the top of this page for easy access.
  2. Get a Quick and Reliable Estimate: Use our website to review menu prices and generate an instant estimate for your event.
  3. Reach Out with Questions: Contact us for personalized assistance or clarification.
  4. Book at Your Convenience: Once you have all the details, easily book your catering service online at your leisure.

As soon as we receive your booking order, our team will collaborate with you to finalize the planning process, ensuring every detail is perfect.

Why Choose Our Online System?

Our advanced, innovative platform allows you to plan and book all elements of your event with just a few clicks. From navigating menu options to checking out, the process is designed to be clear, simple, and intuitive.

With powerful, technologically advanced features, our online system enhances your overall experience while complementing our in-person customer service. It’s more than just convenient—it’s designed to take your satisfaction to the next level!

Make event planning effortless with Three Tomatoes Catering. Start exploring our menus today!

Here’s what you can expect when you choose us:

1. Price Transparency

We believe in honesty and clarity. That’s why our menu prices and detailed descriptions are published online, giving you complete transparency about costs from the very beginning.

2. Customizable All-Inclusive Packages

Tailor your event with ease! Personalize your menu package by selecting your favorite food options. Our all-inclusive pricing covers food, onsite staffing, and basic rentals like dinnerware, glassware, and linens—everything you need for a seamless event.

3. Easy Menu Estimates

Planning is stress-free with our intuitive online booking system. Add items to your cart to generate an instant, accurate estimate without needing to check out right away.

4. Flexible Order and Menu Changes

Need to tweak your order? No problem! Once you’ve submitted your initial booking online, you can easily make changes, with charges updated automatically. Changes are allowed up to 10 business days before your event date to ensure flexibility and accuracy.


For fully staffed events, our online booking system offers these key advantages:

Customer Care

CUSTOMER CARE: For unlimited Free Consultations, contact us at 303-223-9546,, or schedule a call here. Happy to assist before and after you place your order.